Springtime in New Brunswick revolves around the Miramichi River for most angler’s near and far. This is my springtime migration as well as the striped bass but im not alone. Anglers from around Eastern Canada travel to this bustling city which is the largest in Northern New Brunswick for one common goal. The pursuit of happiness I like to call it. Or as its most commonly known as striper season which runs from May to the 2nd week in June. Predominantly most of the stripers run up the Northwest Miramichi in a higher volume than the Southwest Miramichi. Don’t let that discourage you where because they can be found anywhere along the river system. You will know it when you hit a hot school, everything goes from 0-60 real quick. That thrill is what we all chase, which is my pursuit of happiness. Sit down, strap in and enjoy this 2 part series.